art work of all types

Butterfly, By Brian

Wow. Thats my reaction every time i see that drawing... Brian has alot of talent, because this picture is just breath-taking.

ok, next is a poem that i wrote... I was kinda mad when i wrote it.. its about a teacher... he is such an jerk. I think i was pissed because he was marking this girls grade down for her absences, even though she had been really sick and in the HOSPITAL! i was like, omg! ok...well... here it is.

sitting here,
looking at a person,
a person that you'd
think was a demon,
if not for his reality

you step into his realm,
and everything good,
loving, caring,
and wonderful, is gone,
there's not even a trace of it here

listening to him,
is like....
sitting in hell,
listening to hanson,
for an eternity

he is over flowing,
with everything bad...
what a uncompassionate,
cold hearted, mean, over-opinionated,

without a heart,
soul, or conscience,
he never feels the slightest guilt,
you think he'd be dead by now,
yet he lives....

maybe he is here to be
a constant reminder
of all this evil, bad,
or just plain wrong

a constant flashing beacon,
of why god,
punishes us with life

why we suffer,
and die,
and only the lucky,
are happy

basically why we don't
come to evolve into
things better than just humans...
because of people like him!

ok.. this is another poem i wrote... I wrote it for an ex of mine.. but, i still like the poem, regardless, even though its not some of my best work.

It's all like a movie

I feel like im in a movie,
life has finally gotten so good,
it just couldn't be true...

The guy of my dreams finally noticed me,
then started liking me too...

I know its just the beginning,
but still so close to the end...

But right now, this moment,
even the unbelievable is true...

So im just going to enjoy it,
and not worry about whats next,

Because in my movie...
it would never come to an end